mount shasta lemurians
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What’s a Lemurian and Why Do People Believe They Live in ……
The city of Telos was built inside Mt. Shasta and was designed to house 200,000 Lemurians. Today, it is believed that Telos houses 1.5 millions Lemurians inside Mt. Shasta Modern day beliefs say that Lemuria can be felt and contacted through spiritual practices.
About Mt. Shasta | The Lemurian Connection–shasta
Mount Shasta is not only a home for the Lemurians, but it is also an inter-planetary and inter-galactic multi-dimensional portal. There is a huge etheric city of Light above the mountain called the Crystal City of Light of the Seven Rays.
Mt. Shasta – Telos Lemurian City of Light
Shasta is also the home of the present-day Lemurians, survivors of the sinking of the continent of Mu over 12,000 years ago. Yes, our Lemurian brothers and sisters are real; they are well and physically alive, living in the subterranean city of “Telos” beneath Mount Shasta.
Legends of Mount Shasta – Wikipedia
Mount Shasta has also been a focus for non-Native American legends, centered on a hidden city (called Telos) of advanced beings from the lost continent of Lemuria. The legend grew from an offhand mention of Lemuria in the 1880s.
Mount Shasta, Telos, And Lemuria | Unariun Wisdom
Mount Shasta is the home of many present-day Lemurians who are survivors of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. Yes, our Lemurian brothers and sisters are real. They are well and physically alive, and living a fifth dimensional existence that is yet invisible to our eyes.
Telos & The Lemurians – Letters from the mountain
A Word About Telos Telos, a Lemurian colony under Mt. Shasta in northern California, is a city of Light governed by a council of 12 Ascended Masters and its High Priest, Adama. The name Telos means “communication with spirit”. The citizens of Telos, formerly of Lemuria, are working toward the Ascension.
Telos – Lemuria Underground City in Mount Shasta
According to Hopi legend, Mount Shasta, an extinct volcano, is the home of the Lizard People. Some California AmerIndian Tribes considered the mountain forbidden because it was a city of invisible people.
The Lemurian Connection
General information on Telos, Lemuria and its teachings can be found on this site. You’ll discover a history about Lemuria, Telos the subterranean City of Light beneath Mount Shasta, Adama and Aurelia Louise Jones, author of the Telos Books and The Seven Sacred Flames.
Mount Shasta – Lemurians – New Energy LightWorkers
Mount Shasta is also the home of the present-day Lemurians, survivors of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. Yes, our Lemurian brothers and sisters are real; they are wel
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