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Login – Harford Community College – CAS
Harford Community College | 401 Thomas Run Road, Bel Air, MD, 21015 | 443-412-2000 casprod1
Home | Owlnet Home
Employees (including student workers) who wish to access an electronic, print-ready version of their 2011 W-2 can do so at this time. Log in to Owlnet, then click the Employees tab.Click on the 2011 W-2 link located under the W-2 Access heading. The next screen will contain a link to a PDF file containing three copies of your W-2 that can be submitted with your federal and state tax returns.
OwlNet · Student Involvement · Keene State College
The Owl Network, or OwlNet, is your new, one-stop-shop for student involvement. Students can use OwlNet to find out about upcoming events and programs, explore and join student organizations and connect with staff who are excited to help you make the most of your campus experience.
Harford Community College – Home
Harford Community College is the anchor institution for higher education in Harford County, Maryland. Offering 90 plus programs of study, Harford has a program for every learner.
Project Owlnet – National Aviary
Researchers with Project Owlnet study the movements of the species to understand the timing, pace, and intensity of their migration. Licensed banders delicately catch the birds, which are drawn to a net by a call, band them, and release them. Bands with unique identifying numbers are placed on the owl’s legs so that researchers in other areas …
Project Owlnet | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Project Owlnet Project Owlnet is a banding project to determine the timing, intensity, and pace of migration of the Northern Saw-whet Owl. The migration of these owls was not well known before this project started in the mid-1990s. We’ve been hosting a site at SERC since 2017. Help us band and measure small Northern saw-whet owls to track their migrations!
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