compass hsrm

compass hsrm

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Mein persönliches Hochschul-Portal – HSRM COMPASS

Herzlich Willkommen auf dem Campus-Management-System HSRM COMPASS der Hochschule RheinMain. Auswahl. Auswahl. Bitte wählen Sie: Bewerber/innen Sie möchten sich für ein Studium bewerben. Auch ehemalige Studierende bitte hier entlang. Studierende

Hochschule RheinMain

Achtung: Der Log-In für Studierende ist nur noch über das neue Portal HSRM COMPASS möglich!! Home Login Logout in [min] [minutetext] Student’s Corner You are here: Home. Verification Of Study Reports; HSRM COMPASS . Welcome to the Exam Portal of the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences . Username; Password …

Welcome to HealthShare Referral Manager (HSRM

HSRM has drastically cut down phone calls and faxes that I’m having to receive on a daily basis just because all the information I need is literally right there at my fingertips. I can’t wait for everyone else to start using HSRM because it’s going to be great!” – Provider Testimonial, Sterling, IL. Over 10,000 community provider

International – Hochschule RheinMain – HSRM

HSRM COMPASS is the online study space for students at HSRM where they register for courses and exams. Exchange students get an introduction to the online course registration in HSRM COMPASS at the beginning of the semester.

Mein persönliches Hochschul-Portal – HSRM COMPASS…

Liebe Studierende, lieber Studierender der Hochschule RheinMain, wenn Sie sich oben rechts mit Ihrer HDS-Kennung einloggen, können Sie unter Studienservice Ihre Kontaktdaten bearbeiten, Informationen zur Zahlung des Semesterbeitrags einsehen und Studienbescheinigungen erstellen sowie Prüfungsanmeldungen vornehmen.

Home [en] – Hochschule RheinMain – HSRM

Both study locations of RheinMain University of Applied Sciences are situated at the heart of the Rhine-Main area. Wiesbaden, the state capital of Hesse, has a population of approx. 290,000, while Rüsselsheim halfway between Wiesbaden and Frankfurt has around 65,000 inhabitants.

Incoming Students – Hochschule RheinMain – HSRM…

Wiesbaden, the state capital of Hesse, has a lot to offer. It stands out thanks to its varied cultural offerings and leisure activities. Tourists are not only enchanted by the wide range of beautiful parks, in particular the spa gardens, but also by the picturesque old town.

International – Hochschule RheinMain – HSRM

ERASMUS+ (term 2014 – 2020) is the new EU program aimed at promoting general and vocational education, youth and sport. The program involves supporting students and graduates intending to spend a period of study abroad at a ERASMUS partner university or an internship at a company in the ERASMUS area.

Research profile – Hochschule RheinMain – HSRM

The diversity of research activities at the RheinMain university is reflected in the various projects in the individual faculties. An insight into what our researchers are working on can be gained through a selection of


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