umwa provider
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Healthcare Providers | UMWA Funds
Beneficiaries are referred to Cooperating Providers and the provider is permitted to inform the general public and Funds beneficiaries that they are a “Cooperating Funds Provider” in marketing materials approved by the Funds. Providers should call 1-804-335-1904 or email for more information.
Provider Networks | UMWA Funds
Provider Networks | UMWA Funds. The Funds has agreements with different kinds of medical providers. You may be required to obtain certain services from a Funds’ network provider. For more information, please contact the Funds’ Call Center at 1-800-291-1425, option 2.
Funds Provider Lookup
The Funds is headquartered in Washington D.C. and has Field Service Offices located in the coalfield areas of Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia. The Funds has approximately 200 employees, most of whom are located in the Washington, D.C. office. The Funds is separate and distinct from the United Mine Workers of America (“UMWA“) and the …
Aspen (Build 6961,04)
UMWA Health and Retirement Funds now offers its Providers, Real Time Hosted Data Payer Services for Eligibility Status (270/271 EDI Transactions) and Claim Status (276/277 EDI Transactions) through Change Healthcare (formerly Emdeom). For those Providers who are interested in this service, please contact Change Healthcare’s Provider Sales …
The Funds | UMWA Health and Retirement Funds |
The Funds was created in the White House in 1946 in a contract between the United Mine Workers of America (“UMWA”) and the Federal Government. Since that year, the UMWA and Bituminous Coal Operators’ Association, Inc. (“BCOA”) have negotiated periodically over employee benefits for coal miners, retirees, and their dependents.
Home – UMWA
More ›. UMWA Associate Membership. The Associate Membership is a way for a surviving spouse, family member or general supporter of the United Mine Workers to become part of the movement to restore fairness, justice and dignity for working families. Click here to learn more!
Durable Medical Equipment – Menu
1. List DME Providers By Zipcodes : 2. List DME Providers By Services © United Mineworker’s of America Health and Retirement Funds 2004 – 2017
Provider Center | HealthSmart
Online provider access to member health benefits and claims information. With our growing provider base, members have better access to the best care available. We are committed to providing the best care for our members and the best provider services, including expedited claims turnaround times. HealthSmart providers have access to a variety of …
Log In – HealthSmart
If you have technical questions with regards to the functioning of this website or our Employee, Customer, Provider websites, you may address them via email at Our Help Desk can be reached at 1-800-638-0968 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday – Friday.
eProvider Home
eProvider is an online portal for healthcare providers to access remittance details for payments and claims from our participating payers. Our participating payers are : United American Insurance Company. Globe Life Insurance Company of New York. Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company. Liberty National Life Insurance Company.
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