your learning place
You Will Find The “your learning place” Top Links Here. You Have To Click On The Link And Login Into The Account Using The Correct Login Details.
Mobile Elearning Platform – LMS
Mobile Elearning Platform – LMS
Your Learning Place (YLP) – Derya Öncü Koleji
Your Learning Place, which is a digital activity platform, includes activities that give our students the opportunity to repeat the grammar topics they have learned in the classroom. With the help of original BBC videos and cartoons, “Your Learning Place” has a rich content for e-readers.
Your Learning Place – OĞUZKAAN KOLEJİ
Your Learning Place, öğrencilerimizin okuma kabiliyetini geliştirici özellikte, ilgi çekici interaktif içerikli kitaplar ve dilbilgisi konularına yardımcı aktiviteler içerir. Kütüphane içindeki kitaplar öğretmenlerimiz tarafından öğrencilerimize atanabildiği gibi, öğrenci kendi okumak istediği kitapları da kütüphaneden …
Your Learning Place by Tuba Çetin –
Your Learning Place Çözüm: Sınıf Dışında da İngilizce Ingilizce konuşan öğretmenler Interaktif ingilizce kitaplar Her haftasonu ödev olarak verilen renkli çalışma kağıtları Her ünite sonunda ölçme değerlendirme sınavı Bu sınavların sonuçlarını gösteren öğrenci raporları
Your Learning – IBM Learning Experience Platform (LEP/LXP)
Your Learning is built on a number of AI and Watson cognitive technologies to make the platform smart. Your Learning weaves AI into its core, from personalized recommendations, to analyzing the learning catalog and feedback. Learn more. Your Learning is a multi-tenant SaaS platform built on IBM Cloud, the standard for scale, speed and security.
YOUR LEARNİNG PLACE » Sayfa 1 ––112173535
YOUR LEARNİNG PLACE » Sayfa 1 – 1. Bu Konuda. Tüm Forumlar. Konu Dışı / Off Topic. Konu Dışı. Bu Konuda. Şimdi Ara.
The Learning Place
The Learning Place is a comprehensive eLearning environment providing access to an innovative range of digital tools, resources and online spaces.
Make your home as learning easy place
Make your home as learning easy place Digital quarantine. Consider limiting your children’s cell phones and tablets until their schoolwork is done… Make space for learning. Your children will achieve their best work in a quiet, comfortable, and dedicated space devoted… Digital recess. Make sure …
Cities of Learning – Create Unique Learning Pathways with …
Cities of Learning is a territory-based web platform that enables cities and regions to create unique learning pathways for their youth using interactive maps, online learning playlists and digital Open Badges. Explore Your Map.
This Is How You Can Easily Access The “your learning place”. And Use The Features That your learning place Offers On Their Portal. If You Have Issues With Login And Other Do Let Us Know In The Comment Section.